What is the difference between Oral HCG and HCG injections?
HCG drops are produced by synthesizing the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) formula and suspending it into a sublingual mixture. That mixture–the HCG drops–is then administered under the tongue and absorbed into the body. Our HCG drops do not require a prescription, are completely in compliance with FDA regulations, and are absolutely safe to use. HCG injections must be prescribed by a doctor and are administered by a shot into muscle tissue (usually given by the patient himself or herself). The oral formula has been found to be as effective as the shots.
How does HCG help me lose weight?
In pregnant women, HCG releases stored fat to ensure the growing fetus receives the nutrients it needs to grow and develop normally. When HCG is taken in non-pregnant women and men, the body still releases the stored fat. Because there is no fetus present, however, the body uses the stores for energy or eliminates the rest. This enables the body to release stored toxins and fat. Abnormal fat is lost, leaving normal or structural fat and muscle tissue. This means you lose weight in those stubborn areas–hips, thighs, buttocks and upper arms! Click here to get started.
Who can use the HCG diet?
HCG works for both males and females, and there are no age restrictions. It is recommended that you consult a physician before beginning any diet or weight loss program. Do not use HCG if your are pregnant or nursing.
What if I am taking birth control?
HCG drops have not been shown to interfere with birth control.
Are there any side effects from using HCG?
There are no known side effects associated with HCG drops. Most people only experience rapid weight loss as a side effect.
Why don’t HCG drops have to be refrigerated ?
The HCG drops are mixed with 20% USP alcohol as part of it’s liquid medium. The alcohol acts as a preservative and keeps the HCG active and effective. It also aids in absorption. Placing the bottle in the fridge is recommended after the seal has been broken on the bottle. This will help hold it’s potency over longer periods.
Will I keep the weight off?
After the HCG diet you will find your appetite have changed, your eating behavior will have changed and your body will, of course, have changed! This is the perfect opportunity to adopt a healthy lifestyle to maintain your weight. Following the diet, there is a three week maintenance period which is key to keeping the weight off. With your hypothalamus reset, your metabolism will be different and you will be able to eat moderately without feeling the need to overeat .
Why can I only eat 500 calories?
HCG causes your hypothalamus to mobilize the stored fat in your body. During the phase where you are consuming only 500 calories, your hypothalamus continually releases stored fat which your body burns for fuel. You are actually running on 3500-4000 calories a day, which is the equivalent of burning 1-2 pounds!
Hunger is common during the first few days. With any calorie restriction diet, hunger is natural. In most cases the smaller servings can be completely satisfying. This is partly due to your hypothalamus adjusting your metabolic rate, but largely due to the amount of calories circulating in your system from the fat being released.
Do people lose more weight with injections or HCG drops?
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Is HCG just a new fad diet?
HCG has been used medically to treat obesity since 1954. It is recently becoming more widely known and popular in the United States, and that popularity continues to grow as dieters see how effective and easy to use the HCG diet is!
How much weight can I expect to lose with the HCG Homeopathic diet?
Most Homeopathic HCG Spray dieters report a loss of 1 pound per day. Those who have more weight to lose, can actually lose 2 or 3 pounds per day, when they first begin the diet. When the body gets close to it’s ideal weight, it may slow down temporarily to one half pound per day. One pound is generally lost on the first day. Factors that guarantee faster weight loss, include increasing vegetable intake, and adding a green salad to each meal. Fiber intake is extremely important, as well as drinking a minimum of 2 quarts of water per day.
What if I cheat on the diet?
You may gain a pound or 2 the next day, but you can get right back on it, and keep going!
What if I don’t like drinking water?
Not drinking water can cause the normal discomfort of detoxing…tiredness, headache, and irritability. Water is extremely important to remove the toxins from your stored fat
Will HCG Homeopathic spray interfere with other medication?
NO. Since this is a homeopathic remedy, it will not interfere with
any medication that you may be taking.
any medication that you may be taking.
Can I have an occasional glass of wine or beer?
If you do this, especially in the first 2 weeks, you will be throwing the body off ketosis, and gaining back some of the weight that you’ve lost. Remember, the diet is only for a short while. After you reach your desired weight, and your metabolism is reset, you can enjoy an occasional drink without gaining it back.
Will my skin sag after I lose weight?
Although you may not look as fit as before you gained the extra pounds, most people will notice that their skin does tighten up again after a shot period of time.
Is it healthy to lose 1 to 2 pounds a day with Homeopathic HCG spray?
Yes. Homeopathic HCG spray weight loss studies have shown that weight loss, following the Simeons protocol, comes directly from adipose fat tissue rather than lean muscle. In doing so, the weight loss comes directly from unhealthy stored fat, and does not strip the body of much needed muscle, vitamins, or minerals, essential to maintain good health. At the same time, it releases excessive amounts of fat-stored nutrients into the blood stream to be absorbed by the body. For this reason, HCG dieters often report a feeling and appearance of great health, and they marvel at the disappearance of negative health symptoms, that they had as an overweight individual.
What if I only want to lose 10 lbs?
You can taper off early on the diet, when you reach your desired weight, but do follow the protocol for ending it properly, so you can keep it off. Also, you may lose weight at a slower rate than someone who has lots more weight to lose.
What if I have more weight to lose after finishing the bottle and a 6 week round?
You can purchase another bottle and just keep going. Unlike other brands, you can safely continue on the diet for up to 90 days with our product, without a break. It is important to listen to your body, however. Everyone is different.
Will I be hungry on 500 calories a day?
Mild hunger during the first few days, may or may not occur, however this particular brand of homeopathic HCG spray has the advantage of being able to be sprayed up to eight times per day. This normally will cure any potential hunger pangs or low blood sugar. You will find even very tiny servings, to be completely satisfying. This is partly due to your hypothalamus adjusting your metabolic rate, but largely due to the amount of calories circulating in your system from the fat being released. It is common that HCG dieters feel as though they are stuffing themselves in order to reach that 500 calorie limit!