There’s no denying the fact that weight and obesity are becoming increasingly important and relevant to our own and our children’s health and wellbeing, and an increasingly topical subject of debate and investigation in our society. Obesity rates are skyrocketing in developed countries, and this obesity trend is wreaking havoc on our health systems and our economy.Did you know that the health care costs associated with being overweight or obese add up to the BILLIONS?Just think about all the chronic conditions plaguing our society, so many of which are directly linked to being overweight or obese…
Heart Disease |
Diabetes |
Hypertension |
Respiratory conditions |
Increased risk of certain types of cancers |
Skeletal stress, leading to osteoarthritis |
Endocrine or hormonal problems |
Infertility and sexual dysfunction |
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome |
The list goes on and on… |
Just think about the burden these conditions place on society… increased medical costs, lost days of work and economic productivity, lost years of life… and it is all PREVENTABLE! It really is sobering to see just how many chronic and debilitating diseases are associated with, or caused by, being overweight or obsess. And unfortunately, obesity is the fastest growing epidemic in the world today… That’s because we live increasingly sedentary lifestyles while we continue to gorge ourselves on 1500-calorie fast food lunches and 2000-calorie pizza delivery dinners. |